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Abscess deep lobe of parotid: An interesting patient.

September 29, 2011

Swelling ParotidThick pus drained

Abscess deep lobe of parotid: An interesting patient.
As I most of the times say that the whole approach to any patient, may it be of any specialty of medicine is somewhat tailored in developing countries specially a country like mine: Pakistan and that mainly is because of many reasons, including decreased manpower and reduced resources.
This in turn leads to some amazing and interesting events while managing patients. A patient comes to our surgery clinic with this swelling in the left parotid region for the last one and a half year and clinically is diagnosed as a case of benign parotid tumour. The FNAC report though just elaborates an inflammatory cells pattern. An initial plan of superficial parotidectomy was made. As a routine we don’t get an ultrasound of a suspected benign parotid tumor.
The patient also had slight pain in the region for the last two weeks but was thought to be because of mild nerve compression. A last minute suggestion of a team surgeon to get an ultrasound showed an abscess in deep lobe of parotid. The most interesting fact was that it was actually an enlarged parotid with deep seated abscess. An incision and drainage was done last week and an interval parotidectomy is planned.

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  1. Ehsan Kiani permalink

    Lovely case.. Thank you for sharing the story Sir.

  2. Dr Ahmad … I sometimes find that this whole approach that we are a developing country and have less resources lead us doctors to take unnecessary risks and expose our patients to complications. I am not practising surgery at the moment , but in my practise of Emergency Medicine, I very vocally advocate a full investigative route because I believe that numbers and images do not lie and end up protecting us. I do not know how much an ultrasound would have cost in your facility but I do believe they are getting quite cheap …and easily accessible !

    • Dr Hunniya, i think your point is absolutely correct,having said that i would like to point out the fact i talk a lot even in my lectures is that the actual problem or issue is’nt getting an ultrasound : the issue is that there is no SOP(standard operating protocols) regarding management of almost each disease in most of the government setups..i work in a DHQ hospital in a city called sargodha and to be honest we dont have an ultrasound machine which has a high frequency probe for imaging superficial structures:now the other issue is patients non affordabiliy so ultimately the imaging or the investigations are minimized. The last comment of mine about your comment is yes numbers dont lie but infact arent we trained the way in this country that never treat the investigation 🙂 treat onclinical examination based diagnosis…

  3. dr rabia permalink

    Nice job…. imaging does help,,, u have to agree

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